Industrial Tapes News Understanding the Properties of Adhesive Tape

Today high-quality adhesive tape is more useful than ever before for both business and industry. That is why it’s so important to understand the basics when it comes to this essential product that is used on a daily basis across a wide range of industries. For example, peel strength is an important consideration when talking about adhesive tape. This is simply the adhesion force required when attempting to separate two surfaces that are bonded. In addition, tensile strength is a key aspect of the physical properties of tape that must be considered. In essence, tensile strength is the actual force necessary to break a section of tape, laminate or film.

Dielectric Strength
This is usually most easily accomplished by exerting force on the opposite ends of a piece of tape. Also important to consider is temperature resistance. A good quality adhesive tape will have a maximum temperature limit where the product will continue to work normally. Dielectric strength is equally of concern when choosing the right type of adhesive tape. It is simply the voltage that a particular type of adhesive tape can withstand without allowing current to pass through the product. When talking about adhesive tape, another consideration is in understanding the actual adhesive itself.

Protection of the Adhesive
In essence, an adhesive is nothing more than a coating that is applied to the substrate of the tape to ensure proper application. With non-adhesive tapes, of course there will be no adhesive involved. In addition, something known as the carrier or the backing of the tape is nothing more than a flexible thin material that allows for the application of adhesive so that the tape is fully functional. Finally, something known as release liners are the thin film, material or paper that is applied to tape to allow for protection of the adhesive. This is usually a nonstick coating that protects the adhesive so that it is ready for use when needed. The release liner is removed and discarded prior to use. Contact Evans Evco today to learn more about a full range of industrial quality adhesive tapes.

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